Criminal taxation

In addition to advising clients on civil taxation, we have a proven track record in representing clients on criminal taxation matters. To successfully represent in criminal taxation cases, our professional knowledge stretches to cover expertise in criminal, evidence, accounting, and taxation laws, as well as understanding the investigatory toolbox and existing criminal or administrative measures and penalties at the tax authority’s disposal.

We represent clients before the tax authorities in investigations of a broad range of technical offences, e.g., registrations and late filings or substantive offences, e.g., tax evasion, money laundering, false records, failure to report income and more.

We are highly accomplished and experienced in reaching settlements with the tax authorities, to include fines, voluntary disclosure, and other settlement forms. We also successfully represent clients before all criminal court instances, from the lowest, magistrates court all the way through to the Supreme Court.

Experience, Teamwork, Success. 
 Experience, Teamwork, Success. 

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